Monday, July 28, 2014

God First Everyday

Growing up Catholic you learn one thing, the father the son and the Holy Spirit are all of one sound being, this for me is a problem. For one simple reason to me the son of God is just that the son or offspring of the Heavenly Father as we all are. The Roman Catholic Church says it’s a monotheistic religion however it’s evident that Jesus is either God split from himself or a demi God. I prefer demi God, now I know what you’re going to say “he is not like Hercules or other Greek demi god heroes”. But technically for me he is, also we must remember that the stories of the New Testament are written for a Greek speaking polytheistic worshiping people. So they needed to see him as the son of God doing his work.

There is only one book today written in a language for you the Book of Mormon, this book is written in a manner of modern day understanding unlike the new testament which has been revised over and over again since the mid 1400’s.

So Jesus is the son of God and is worshipped as a God, but he’s not he is that savior and no one person is above Jesus accept as he taught his father in heaven. Jesus came not to undo the laws of Moses but to reinforce them. We are all the children of heavenly father. I worship Jesus as my savior and redeemer of sins but as he did I pray to God almighty, Elohim, Adonai, Jehovah, and Yahweh by whatever name you prefer to call him.

*Fun Fact: the reason why there are so many names for Heavenly father is the evolution of language and influence of other language’s on Hebrew*

So again you may ask “what did this have to do with my decision?”

The Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints is the only Christian church I have ever whiteness to place God first, and Jesus is just as important, but not above God. 
The Mormon Church has a whole worships God and flowing Jesus’s teaching more than any of branch of Christianity. Please go to the church and talk with the people, see how they worship and devote themselves to our father in Heaven. I have a testimony for me the Mormon church is true and places God first is all things, its comprised of people with open hearts and genuine love.  

Friday, July 25, 2014

Brown Mormon WHY?????

As a child I would see those old Latter day Saints commercials on television I would ask my mother “who are they?” her response was always “only white people are Mormons”. Which is how I felt most of my life that certain things were white and other were for minorities.
I grew up Catholic, that was what I had to be and the only thing I could be, because I am Puerto Rican. I attended Catholic school as was even in a pre-seminary studying program, I was going to be the Priest in the family.
My family is and has never been a close one, at dinner we got our meals and went to our rooms and watched television, there was no community involvement in our lives, because my mother felt those people would take advantage of us. So I learned at a young age, was no close family, and no sense of community.
So flashed forward to a few years I am a Combat Veteran of the United States Air Force, medically separated for PTSD, alone, tired and suicidal.

One day after leaving a bar, a Missionary called out to me and asked me if I’d like to learn how to be happy?” I lied to a stranger and said “no I’m happy with my life as is” I look back and think why did I lie and it’s because I was lying to myself. He tried to hand me a pamphlet I crumbled it and tossed it away.
Somehow after getting home it fell out of my pocket onto my couch. After this I googled the church, I began to explore the more and more, one thing I saw over and over was just truly happy people devoted to Christ.

I found families that love each other, families I saw only that could have only existed on 80’s TV sitcoms. I search my heart and was looking for signs to help me. I went to community meetings were people were not sad, but had a strong support system the community.

I learned that the church is for everyone whatever race, religion or creed you descend from. I have seen great sorrow on my time in this life, but all the true joy I have witnessed is in this church, his church, the restored priesthood is here with us. I can be a priest and have a family here because it what heavenly father wants us to have.

I joined the church February of 2013, I have never looked back, Family, Community, devotion to Christ, and happiness is what I can tell you the church will bring.

This is a church for everyone regardless of skin color, when people ask me “how can you be a brown Mormon?” I tell them because I can.